The CSJC, a regional training body
More than 20 years of experience and expertise in the field of training allow us to adapt your training programme to your needs. Our team is attentive to your needs in the region in terms of both diploma training and the acquisition of new skills to adapt to new professional methods and practices. The CSJC Training Centre has always dealt with professional State diplomas in the field of Sports and Youth. In addition to these essential diplomas, which open up the widest prerogatives, there are now other formulas offered by the professional branches (CQP) in particular. The CSJC is also an important player in continuing professional training and, more broadly, in lifelong learning. Tailor-made responses can thus be built directly from the needs of those involved, whether they lead to diplomas or to professionalisation or suitability for employment.Operational objective N° 1
Encourage the co-construction and development of training schemes (diplomas and qualifications) adapted to the needs of those involved throughout the country.
2.1.1/ Ensure the sustainability of the curriculum for sport, youth and popular education.
2.1.2/ Facilitate the professionalisation of those involved.
2.1.3/ Develop the employability of young islanders in the fields of sport and socio-cultural activity organisation.
Operational objective N° 2
Foster the emancipation of audiences
2.2.1/ Allow the appropriation of concepts by the highest number of people. Develop educational activities to reflect this.
2.2.3/ Ensure that cultural experiments are long-term.
Operational objective N° 3
Develop young people's skills so that they become involved in emerging eco-systems
2.3.1/ Develop liberating digital skills in young people
2.3.2/ Promote the mobility of young people.
2.3.3 / Promote access to sports and socio-cultural activities for the most disadvantaged young people.
(JAMO - jeunes avec moins d’opportunités, young people with fewer opportunities - according to the European nomenclature).
Operational objective N° 4
Enhance the pedagogical expertise of the CSJC
2.4.1 / Provide the pedagogical expertise of CSJC trainers to professional and business audiences.
2.4.2 / Document, evaluate and share CSJC's experiences in pedagogical innovation.